UNESCO: Young Professional

Info lowongan kerja: dan proses rekrutmen di UNESCO (PBB Pendidikan) sebagai profesional muda

Have you got the right job profile?

Before applying for a post as a Young Professional at UNESCO, assess your eligibility: have you got the right profile?

To guide you in this process, the required qualifications are listed below:

Nationality: a national of an unrepresented or under-represented country.
Note: Geographical distribution is updated every month. However, to ensure consistency in the recruitment process, the distribution for this programme is determined at the time when recruitment begins and remains set throughout the entire process.

Age: under 30 years of age as of 1 January 2006.

Education: university degree in education, culture, science, social and human sciences or communication or in a field linked directly to the management and administration of an international organization.

Languages: an excellent knowledge of either French or English (the two working languages). A good knowledge of the other language or a knowledge of Arabic, Chinese, Spanish or Russian are additional assets.

Attitude: awareness of the multiple facets of a multicultural world and a commitment to international public service are essential.

Experience: some initial professional experience would be an asset, but is not obligatory.

How to apply

Further to the discussions at the 171st session of the Executive Board, the Director-General has decided to launch the Young Professionals 2006. Candidatures should be submitted to UNESCO through the relevant National Commission by 30 June 2005. Application forms are to be requested to the NATCOM concerned. The batch of 10 designated candidates will enter on duty by March 2006.

The Young Professional Programme is open only to candidates from unrepresented and under-represented countries.

To join the team of Young Professionals within UNESCO, you must submit your application to the National Commission for UNESCO in the country of which you are a national.

You will find at your National Commission all the information relating to the opening of the next Young Professionals Programme and to the requirements and formalities for applying.

After checking that your profile corresponds to the required qualifications, your National Commission will decide whether your application should be transmitted to the Bureau of Human Resources Management of UNESCO.

You can consult the recruitment process now to acquaint yourself with the selection procedure.

Recruitment Step by Step

Once you have submitted your application for a post under the Young Professionals Programme to your National Commission, it will go through the various stages of the recruitment process.
Under this programme, the procedure is different from the normal process for professional posts.

In order to guarantee that recruitment is fully transparent, applications are examined by selection committees.

Recruitment process for Young Professionals:

1. Opening of the Young Professionals Programme
Usually between the months of March and April, the Bureau of Human Resources Management of UNESCO notifies the National Commissions of unrepresented or under-represented Member States, by means of a circular letter, of the opening of the Young Professionals Programme. Applicants are then invited to send their application to their country’s National Commission.

2. Submission of your application
After checking that your profile corresponds to the skills and abilities required, the National Commission for UNESCO in the country of which you are a national transmits a limited number of applications to the Bureau of Human Resources Management of UNESCO.

3. Screening of the applicants
A multicultural and multidisciplinary committee will make an initial selection of applications which will then be submitted for a more thorough evaluation.
The committee will examine the applicants’ motivation, their academic qualifications, the level of their professional and international experience as well as their language skills and other relevant knowledge and abilities.

4. Evaluation of the applicants
If you are among the shortlisted candidates, you will have to attend interviews. The interviews, which take place over two days, are presided over by the person responsible for the Young Professionals Programme and the professional heads of the sectors concerned. They will seek to examine both your overall skills and technical abilities.
The interviews will provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills, your team spirit, your analytical capabilities, your sense of initiative and also your creativity and your degree of flexibility and adaptation. They will also seek to evaluate your knowledge of the technical aspects of education, the sciences, culture, communication or administration.
In addition to these interviews, there will be language tests that check your degree of proficiency in the working languages of UNESCO (English and French).

5. Appointment decision
Every year, UNESCO selects ten applicants.
This is how UNESCO will inform you of the outcome of your application:
- If your application is successful, UNESCO will send you a letter of appointment as rapidly as possible.
- If your application is not successful, UNESCO will inform you by post.

Your entry into service as a Young Professional should normally take place in the month of February of the following year (for example, if you applied under this Programme in 2003, the commencement of your employment would take place in February 2004). In your first year at UNESCO, you will benefit from an appropriate professional training programme.

Your professional training

The Young Professionals Programme is a programme especially intended for young graduates or professionals. One of the main goals of this one-year programme is the enhancement of your professional development.

That is why UNESCO provides training designed to introduce you to the various professional aspects of the Organization.

The Bureau of Human Resources Management offers you training during the first year of your appointment which will enable you to acquire wide-ranging knowledge about the functioning, the programme and the administration of UNESCO.

After an introductory training course on the structure and services of the Organization, and on the major programmes carried out by UNESCO, you will be assigned to various services in the Secretariat.
Experienced colleagues will guide you through the more technical aspects of UNESCO’s programmes and administrative procedures.
Your training will be rounded off with language and IT courses, if needed.

Professional values
Integration, proficiency and development and also team spirit, commitment and technological ability are on the list of values we wish to pass on to you as part of your professional development. Here is how they apply to your field of activity in UNESCO:

Integration = you should fit into the environment in which you are required to work and familiarize yourself with UNESCO’s management techniques and work habits (for instance, planning and organizing international meetings)

Proficiency = you should acquire a good understanding of UNESCO’s main programmes and projects

Development = you should consolidate and expand your range of skills

Team spirit = you should become a part of a work team and learn to draw maximum benefit from complementary skills

Commitment = you should assume responsibilities in connection with various missions or operations

Technological ability = you should master the use of UNESCO’s internal computer network.

The status and entitlements of Young Professionals

Since the Young Professionals Programme involves international appointments, UNESCO pays Young Professionals a salary corresponding to the specific status of United Nations staff, together with other benefits which take account of international mobility and family responsibilities.


You will normally be given a fixed-term contract of one year on appointment at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The first 9 months are considered to be a probationary period enabling us to evaluate your performance and conduct. Your professional development and your ability to fit into UNESCO’s intercultural environment are major criteria for your evaluation.

If your evaluation is satisfactory, you may take up an international professional post on the basis of renewable fixed-term contracts of two years.

All appointments are subject to the results of a medical examination.

Note that all Young Professionals – if employed after the end of this programme – are required to expand their international experience by working in a field office. This transfer to the field will take place between the second and third year after you have joined UNESCO.


UNESCO pays you a salary in line with your professional level as well as benefits which take account of your dependants and the cost of living at your duty station, which is Paris for the Young Professionals Programme.

Base salary
The base salary, which corresponds to grade P-1, is the same throughout the United Nations system. It is calculated in U.S. dollars and will be higher if you have dependants.

Post adjustment
The base salary is supplemented by a post adjustment, which is applied in order to take into account the price levels at your duty station, Paris, and also the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar. The equivalent of your salary in euros is stabilized by this adjustment.

Exemption from tax
Salaries, grants and allowances paid by UNESCO are normally exempt from income tax.


As a member of the UNESCO Young Professionals Programme you are entitled to other benefits which enable you to carry out your duties properly in good conditions and provide you more generally with a good quality of life. Most of the benefits provided to professionals are also provided to Young Professionals. To give you some idea, consult the status and entitlements of professionals at UNESCO.



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